Nov 6, 2020

Changing engine oil is one of the most important aspects of auto maintenance because it can have a significant impact on the performance, efficiency, and longevity of your Ford vehicle. It’s a relatively easy task that you can do yourself, but you may also want to consider leaving it in the hands of the expert mechanics at your dealership. Use this guide to help you weigh your options and make the best decision for your vehicle.

Importance of Changing Your Engine Oil Regularly

Before discussing whether you should get an oil change at a dealership, let’s take a look at why this maintenance task is so important. The following are some of the benefits of changing your engine oil punctually and regularly:

  • Cleaner engine: Changing your engine oil helps keep your vehicle’s engine clean and operating smoothly. While the engine is running, microscopic debris and dirt particles flake off from certain internal parts and end up in the oil, which can potentially lead to mechanical issues. Regular oil changes help get rid of these particles and bathe and lubricate the engine with fresh, clean oil.
  • Improved engine performance: Clean oil enables the engine’s components to operate with minimal friction and strain, helping it reach its maximum mechanical output. This results in an increase in performance.
  • Longer engine life: When the oil is dirty, the engine experiences increased friction and wear and tear, which can damage its components and undermine its longevity. Changing the oil regularly can reduce engine wear and help your vehicle stay in good working condition for a longer time.
  • Better fuel efficiency: New engine oil provides better lubrication than old, dirty oil. By reducing engine friction, oil changes make your vehicle run with less effort and strain, resulting in better gas mileage.
  • Lower vehicle emissions: Clean engine oil is also more effective at absorbing harmful particles and by-product emissions, leading to lower emissions and a healthier environment.

Is It a Good Idea to Change Your Engine Oil at a Dealership?

One of the main reasons why some car and truck owners don’t go to a dealership for oil changes is because they think it’s going to be more expensive. This may be true depending on how you typically choose to get your oil changed. It may be cheaper if you change the oil yourself, but you need to have some mechanical skills and tools to get the job done. If you go to an independent auto shop or quick lube shop, you may end up paying more than you would at a dealership.

Besides cost, you have to take many other things into consideration when you’re deciding how you want to change your engine oil, such as the quality of the oil, the expertise of the mechanics, and your vehicle’s warranty. In the end, you’ll want to pick the option that offers the best value for your money and minimizes your risk.

Benefits of Going to a Dealership for Oil Changes

If you decide to get your oil changed at a dealership, you stand to gain the following benefits:

Possibly Save Money

It’s important to note that not all dealerships charge higher prices for oil changes. At Wendle Ford, we’re able to offer lower prices than many auto shops and quick lubes in the Spokane area because we purchase our engine oil in bulk. Therefore, you can expect to get top-quality engine oil at a highly competitive price.

If you plan to do oil changes yourself, you should know that it may not necessarily be cheaper than bringing your vehicle to our Spokane Ford service center. Besides having to buy the oil individually, which is more expensive, you also need to invest in a wide range of equipment and materials. This can significantly bump up the overall cost.

Save Time

Even if you manage to save a few bucks changing the oil yourself, you have to consider the amount of time you need to spend to complete the task. A DIY oil change can take up to 90 minutes or longer if you aren’t familiar with the job. On the other hand, if you make an oil-change appointment with Wendle Ford in advance, we can get your oil changed very quickly. In addition, we have a clean, comfortable, and relaxing waiting room with refreshments and free Wi-Fi to make the wait feel shorter and more pleasant.

Get Quality Service

If you choose to change your engine oil yourself or at an independent oil-change service provider, it’s generally riskier than going to a dealership. While an oil change isn’t a difficult task, things can go horribly wrong. For instance, using the wrong engine oil can lead to a variety of issues, from oil leaks to engine damage.

In addition, auto shops and quick lubes have diluted knowledge of Ford vehicles because they have to work on vehicles of all makes and models. In contrast, the maintenance technicians at Wendle Ford are certified, factory-trained mechanics who specialize in servicing and repairing Ford cars and trucks. Therefore, we’re better equipped to properly handle an oil change and address any other issues your vehicle may be experiencing.

Maintain Your Warranty

As an owner of a Ford vehicle, you have to comply with certain requirements for scheduled maintenance to keep your warranty valid. You can check your owner’s manual to find out the exact requirements. In some cases, you may be required to have all maintenance tasks and repairs done at a Ford dealership or an authorized auto shop. If you live in or around Spokane, the best thing to do is to change your engine oil at Wendle Ford. Going to a third-party mechanic can be risky because your warranty may be nullified if they mess your vehicle up.

Another important benefit of getting your oil changed at Wendle Ford regularly is that you can establish a relationship with a reliable service center that can be your go-to place whenever something goes wrong with your vehicle. Feel free to contact us if you want to schedule an oil change appointment.

Image via Flickr by Robert Couse-Baker